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Why Migrate from Oracle to Postgres?

Migrating from Oracle to PostgreSQL can be motivated by various factors, including cost, flexibility, performance, and open-source advantages. Here are some reasons why organizations might choose to migrate:

Cost Savings

Oracle is recognized for its considerable licensing expenses, Using Oracle databases means paying extra for features like partitioning and high availability, and these costs can pile up fast. In contrast, PostgreSQL, as an open-source solution, alleviates these licensing expenditures, leading to substantial cost savings for organizations.

Licensing Flexibility

PostgreSQL's open-source nature allows for greater flexibility in licensing. Organizations can modify the code as per their requirements without being bound by proprietary restrictions, which may not be possible with Oracle. With Postgres, you’re not at risk of vendor lock-in.


Both Oracle and PostgreSQL can handle big databases, but sometimes PostgreSQL works even better, especially when optimized properly. Migrating to PostgreSQL can lead to improved performance in specific use cases.

Compatibility and Standards Compliance

PostgreSQL is known for its strong adherence to SQL standards, making it easier to migrate applications and databases from Oracle without significant modifications. This compatibility ensures a smoother transition and minimizes potential compatibility issues.


PostgreSQL is highly scalable and can handle large datasets and high transaction volumes effectively. With features like table partitioning, parallel processing, and support for various clustering solutions, PostgreSQL can meet the scalability needs of most organizations.


Since Postgres is open-source, there are countless extensions and add-ons you can add to make the database work better, and many of them don't cost anything. But with Oracle, similar extensions can become expensive pretty quickly.Overall, migrating from Oracle to PostgreSQL can provide organizations with cost savings, flexibility, performance improvements, and a more sustainable database solution, making it a compelling choice for many businesses. However, it's essential to carefully plan and execute the migration process to minimize disruptions and ensure a successful transition.